Quince Pasta Flora

This is so easy to make as the pastry doesn’t need blind baking, and of course you can substitute quince for other fruit.

At Francisco’s Table we make our own quince paste using fruit that we buy from our friends The Constanzo’s at the farmers markets.


400g self raising flour
200g butter
120g caster sugar
2 yolks
1 egg
A pinch of Vanilla powder or essence 
400g quince paste


Crumble flour, sugar and butter, add the eggs and vanilla, mix and knead.

Flour the bench and stretch pastry enough to cover tart base.

Place pastry onto tart base, and spread quince evenly ( if your quince paste is too hard or thick, thin it out with a little bit of hot water so it is easier to work with)

Gather pastry off-cuts, stretch out again and cut into strips to place across the top of the quince tart. I usually do 5 in each direction.

Bake at 180º for 25 mins, or until pastry is nice and golden.

At Francisco’s Table, we like to serve it with Creme Fraiche that you can also buy at the markets from Cheeses Love You.


Francisco’s Spanakopita


Eggplant with Ricotta