Quince Paste

Close up of Francisco's Quince paste - the perfect accessory to any cheese plate, alongside soft cheese and home made pita bread..


8 quinces
250ml water
juice of one lemon


Peel and core quinces and cut into chunks. Place in a large stainless steel pot with the water & lemon and cover with a lid.

Cook over medium heat until quinces are tender - about 20 minutes.

Pass quince and liquid (if any) through food mill or food processor.

Weigh puree, place it back in the pot and add sugar - 3/4 of its weight.

Cook over moderate heat, stirring every few minutes, until paste looks deep red in colour and comes away from side of the pot. This should take about 2-3 hours.

Transfer paste to 24cm cake tin lined with paper and leave to dry outside until very firm to touch.

Alternately you could place it in a low oven at 30ºC (if you oven doesn't go that low you can put it on the minimum temperature with the door ajar until the right consistency is reached).


Eggplant with Ricotta